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SPIN publishes protocol for the self-management (SPIN-SELF) Program

by Marie-Eve Carrier | Dec 01, 2021

Julia Nordlund, Dr. Richard Henry and the SPIN Team published their protocol in Trials for testing the SPIN-SELF Program. The SPIN-SELF Program has been revised to include facilitator-led videoconference group sessions in addition to online material. The SPIN Team will test the group-based intervention delivery format, then evaluate the effect of the SPIN-SELF Program on disease management self-efficacy, and other mental and physical health outcomes. This study will be a randomized controlled feasibility trial with progression to a full-scale trial. At the end of the feasibility portion, stoppage criteria will be used to determine if the trial procedures or SPIN-SELF Program need important modifications, thereby requiring a re-set for the full-scale trial. Otherwise, the full-scale RCT will proceed. Congratulations to Julia, Richard, Dr. Thombs and the rest of the team! Read more here:

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